Wouldn’t change a thing.........
Link Suggestions?
If you know of any website, organisation or local support group which might be useful to our members, please let our webmaster know.
Local Groups
1. Down’s Heart Group
A charity offering support and information relating to heart conditions associated with Down's Syndrome. (more…)
29402. Intellectual Disabilities and Health
Website covering medical matters relating to learning disabilities. Jointly managed by the Down's Syndrome Association (more…)
28643 .NDCS – National Deaf Childrens Society
Registered charity offering support for deaf children and their families. Membership is free and they have recently started (more…)
29124. Counselling directory
The Website gives general information on counselling, therapies and a search facility to find professionals (more…)
29745. British Psychological Society
The British Psychological Society is the representative body for psychology and psychologists in the UK. (more…)
28776. B A C P
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) (more…)
28897. Pads
Positive About Down Syndrome. If you are considering screening, have received a diagnosis that your baby may have Down’s syndrome or you have recently had a baby with DS (more…)